“Seven Stars” is an export and import company with a highly skilled workforce to better meet your needs. Our enterprise, which is able to plan, manage and execute every process to expand, is mainly engaged in the export of various types of food products. Our company, established in Ashgabat in December 2013, jointly carries out “Armada” dried food and grain products, “Haraz” confectionery, “Honey House” honey products, and “Aura” creative design. We provide active export services to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Mozambique, France. We plan to send our products to Dubai and Pakistan in the future. Currently, 15 employees are enrolled in our company. Every year we regularly participate in international exhibitions such as “Gold Food”, “Seneri Fuar”, and “Tuyab Fuar”.
We provide our customers and partners with the best conditions for the union, providing high-quality service, full and timely execution of orders, convenient service and friendly relations. We are attracting the attention of our partners with its financial security and quality assurance to increase our quality and capacity to export our products on a large scale. We are constantly expanding the scope of our work and services. We strive to increase the recognition of our businesses. Although Seven Stars originally started the food import business, we are now helping to export not only our own products, but also the products of other manufacturing companies. Our middle and senior executives have the ability to properly organize events, plan events, make responsible decisions and determine production development policies on this basis. The diversity of the questions they face requires special knowledge, excellent sensitivity, ingenuity and the ability to take risks. For the most part, these are the key factors that determine the success of our companies.
自 2015 年以来,凭借在食品行业的丰富经验,Armada 一直是各种本地和国际谷物、干果等产品的领先出口商,出口到世界各地的多个目的地。 由于与来自不同国家的买家建立了多次合作伙伴关系,我们已成为土库曼斯坦食品出口的领先公司之一。
通过与 Arassa Gaplama 合作,我们确保了包装过程中的产品质量。 我们使用豆类清洁方法,这是一种干燥气流过程,用于去除产品中的污垢、鹅卵石、杂草、昆虫和异物。 大多数干燥的食物不是通常意义上的用水清洗,因为它们会因不需要的水分而发芽,而是用空气清洁以使用收集器去除异物。
众所周知,蜂蜜市场上有很多品牌和产品。 但是,我们认为 Honey House 品牌在市场上占有特殊的地位。 我们的品牌在包装清洁方面经过深思熟虑和开发,并销售土库曼斯坦 Koytendag 的“Enem Eli”蜂蜜工厂的产品,该品牌值得我们的客户关注,其额外的产品具有独特的美感。
基于顾问、管理和管理团队的知识和技术能力相结合,Honey House 让您在市场中竞争并为客户带来价值。
我们努力像蜜蜂一样生活——并为自然和我们周围的世界做出积极贡献。 我们不断改进我们为客户、环境和彼此工作的方式。 直接来自我们的蜜蜂,就像蜜蜂一样,富含有益酶和令人愉悦的香气,我们保证蜂蜜会到达您的手中。
我们的骄傲是我们的工作和我们的第一个事工。 我们团队的基层人才立足于设计、插画、市场营销、公共关系和多媒体开发等领域,与各种组织合作。 正确思想的结合会产生意想不到的令人信服的结果。
我们的项目吸引了高质量并吸引了我们的客户。 我们首先了解客户的需求:即了解他们的观点,最重要的是,提供引人注目的视觉效果。
我们确保我们的客户与品牌、创意和数字专业人士合作。 让我们一起努力,发展您的品牌!